About Nakshtra Health Care Ptv Ltd

Ayurved, a medicine system with historical roots in India has a huge demand with a known population of 80% using it. Ayurved has always been the natural way of curing and treating various kinds of health issues without having any known adverse actions.

NamoNakshatra Healthcare Pvt Ltd has begun manufacturing its own medicine. The factory is situated on a 30,000 sq feet area. The factory has all the latest and innovative machines that helps in the manufacturing of various dosage forms which include both Classical and Patent formulations that include Churna, Syrup, Ghrit, Kshaya, Tablets, Taila, Avleh etc.

The factory is also well equipped with the state of the art testing facilities – A Quality Control Laboratory where the lab is continuously functioning and testing every Raw Material, Semi Finished and Finished Product according to standard Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India. We also Have a fully quipped Microbiology laboratory with AHU and carry out the Microbial Limit test for every finished product and water. The company also tests and detects the presence of Heavy Metals (if any; which is a major concern in Ayurvedic medicines) through one of the sophisticated instrument Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. All the results and compiled and ensure to be within the limit mentioned in the standard pharmacopoeias.

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