Loose Syor Tablets (500 mg)


SKU: NHC007 Category:


General Introduction

This is a research-based Ayurvedic medicine made by mixing herbal medicines and minerals like Shilajit. It is beneficial in controlling weight by activating Dhatu Agni. It nourishes the Dhatu in the body and purifies the excess fat and reduces the extra fat particles. It also controls the diseases caused by obesity.

Ingredients: (Each 500 mg film coated tablet contains)

  1. Medohar Guggulu – 100 mg
  2. Shuddha Shilajit – 100 mg
  3. Agnimantha Ghan – 100 mg
  4. Vidanga Ghan – 100 mg
  5. Gomutra Haritaki – 100 mg
  6. Triphala Kashaya bhavna- 4 times
  7. Gomutra bhavna – 4 times
  8. Supplements As required

Amayika Prayoga(Indications):

  • Sthaulya (Obesity)
  • Meda dushti (Lipidemia)
  • Meda dhatvagnimandya (Hypothyroidism)
  • PCOD
  • Prameh (Diabetes mellitus)


  • Lekhan
  • Ruksh – Vishad
  • Medohar
  • Sukshma

Medicinal Analysis:

Medohar Guggulu:

Medohar Guggulu is a famous Ayurvedic classical medicine that helps in fat control, reducing excess body fat, improving digestion and detoxification. It has been used extensively by all Vaidyas for years in the treatment of obesity.

Pure Shilajit:

Shilajit is a combination of natural minerals and elements that increase energy and strength in the body. It can help in weight management. It reduces fat dhatu and supplies all the necessary fluids to the body, making the body energetic.

Agnimanth Ghan:

Agnimanth helps in rekindling the Meda Dhaatvagnimandya, it is very good support to Dhaatvagni, the basic principle of ancient Ayurvedic sages and due to this the formation of further Dhaatus starts smoothly from Meda Dhatu. Due to which Meda Dhatu naturally reduces.


Vidang Ghan:

Vidang is a Kaphavat sedative medicine, Vidang is an excellent anthelmintic. And hence it also reduces the symptoms like obstruction of the body due to increase in Meda Dhatu and lack of appetite due to excessive obesity, it is an excellent source purifier, it is also beneficial in diseases like Hypothyroidism, Diabetes etc. caused by obesity caused by Dhaatvagnimandya.

Gomutra Haritaki:

Gomutra Haritaki is a panacea used by Vaidyas since ancient times for fat reduction. Gomutra lekhana karma clears the doshas present in the body and Haritaki Rechak karma removes them from the body.

Bhawana Dravya:

Assimilating the principle of “Mardanam Gunvardhanam” of Ayurvedic sages, this formulation has been made more effective by adding Triphala Kashaya which is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals and promotes metabolism. Gomutra bhawana has been added which helps in delivering Triphala to the subtle sources and purifies the meda dhatu from the root.

Dosage :

1-2 tablets twice in a day or As directed by physician

Additional information


30 Tab, 60 Tab, 500 Tab


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