General Introduction
According to the basic principles of Ayurveda, there are three types of kosthas based on gastric fire, namely, Mridu Kostha, Madhyam Kostha and Krur Kostha. Out of these, patients with Mridu Kostha suffer from constipation due to pitta and are also more troubled by problems like acidity and migraine caused by the contamination of digestive bile. Keeping this problem in mind, this herbal medicine has been prepared to cure chronic constipation from the root by removing pitta in small amounts. Unlike most of the very strong laxatives available in the market, this is a boon for patients suffering from only mild constipation.
Ingredients: (Each 500 mg film coated tablet contains)
- Swadisht virechan churna – 150 mg
- Sonamukhi – 100 mg
- Revandchini – 50 mg
- Ajavain – 50 mg
- Idrayanmool – 50 mg
- Shivakshar pachan churna – 50 mg
- Mishreya – 25 mg
- Vishwa – 25 mg Bhavana dravya :
- Triphala kashay – 3 times
- Katuki swaras – 1 time
- Kumari swaras – 2 time
- Supplements as required
Amayika Prayoga(Indications):
- Pittaj vibandh(Constipation)
- Rechak
- Pitta saarak
- Srotoshodhak
Medicinal Analysis:
Swadishta Virechan Churna and Sonamukhi:
Both of these are pitta shamak and sheetvirya in nature. These are vatanulomaka, liver-stimulating and pitta shamaka. Its consumption increases both bowel movement and secretion, that is why it is considered an excellent mild laxative for people of pitta nature.
Indrayanmool and revandchini:
Both of these are kapha-pitta shamaka, mild laxative and stimulant of intestinal glands. It is especially beneficial in all types of pittaja disorders caused by constipation such as fever, gout, abdominal disease, hemorrhoids, jaundice and liver disease.
Vishwa, Mishreya and Ajwain:
These three ingredients are proof of the fact that this medicine has been prepared after a long study and modification. All the laxatives used in this medicine are spasmodic and cause Vata aggravation in the intestines. Ajwain has been chosen to reduce the problems of these medicines such as abdominal pain, heartburn and intestinal irritation, Mishreya to reduce burning, cramps and dehydration and Vishwa to protect the fire and reduce inflammation of intestinal glands.
Shivakshar Pachan Churna:
This is a very famous medicinal plant used by Vaidyas in the highest quantity to relieve Vayu, relieve indigestion and cure chronic constipation. All the substances found in it are very beneficial in protecting Agni as well as curing the loss of alkalis caused in extreme laxative state.
Bhavana Dravya:
Assimilating the principle of “Mardanam Gunvardhanam” of Ayurvedic sages, to make this formulation more effective, it has been given the essence of Triphala Kashaya, which is helpful in calming the Tridoshas and curing the diseases of the digestive system caused by bacteria. It has been given the essence of Katuki Swaras, which is the best medicine to expel the contaminated pitta associated with the liver-spleen-pancreas and gall bladder. It has been given the essence of Kumari Swaras, which cures the loss of strength.
Dosage :
1-2 tablets twice in a day or As directed by physician
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