N-Akne Tablets (500 mg)


SKU: NHC014 Category:


General Introduction

In today’s busy life, wrong lifestyle, food habits, lack of water, changing weather, hormonal changes, any kind of problem in the blood etc causes excess of pitta and kapha, which is the main cause of skin diseases like Mukh Dusika, Yauvan Peedika, Sarvang Peedika. The appropriate substance in N- Acne Tablet is beneficial in diseases like Mukh Dusika, Yauvan Peedika and Sarvang Peedika by purifying the blood, removing bile and by its antibacterial capacity.

Ingredients: (Each 500 mg film coated tablet contains)

  1. Manjistha ghan – 50 mg
  2. Nimbapatra ghan – 50 mg
  3. Chopchini ghab – 50 mg
  4. Haridra ghan – 50 mg
  5. Daruharidra ghan – 50 mg
  6. Guduchi ghan – 50 mg
  7. Gandhak rasayan – 100 mg
  8. Yashad bhasma – 5 mg
  9. Triphala guggulu – 15 mg Bhavana dravya :
  10. Mahamanjisthadi kashay – 3 times
  11. Katuki swaras – 1 time
  12. Supplements as required

Amayika Prayoga(Indications):

  • Mukh dooshika(Acne)
  • Yauvanpidika(Pimple)
  • Nyachha(Pigmentation)
  • Sarvang peedika(Folliculitis)


  • Rakta prasadak
  • Rakta pitta shodhak
  • Jeevanu rodhak

Medicinal Analysis:

Manjistha Ghan:

This is an excellent Kapha Pitta calming substance used by Vaidyas for years. It purifies the blood and is very beneficial in blood disorders and colour disorders. Due to the pigmentation found in Manjistha, Ayurvedic Acharyas have prescribed it in the treatment of Nyachchha, which permanently clears the marks and spots after Peedika. Manjistha is a very beneficial medicine in menstrual disorders in women and hormonal changes caused by sperm related disorders in men.

Nimbapatra Ghan:

Nimba is a cold in nature, rakta-pitta calming substance. It cures Rakta and Pitta related disorders. In Ayurvedic scriptures, Acharyas have prescribed it for all types of leprosy. Nimb is a famous medicine for all types of skin disorders.

Chopchini Ghan:

Chopchini is very beneficial in creating dryness in the body and curing bacterial suffering. It is an antibiotic, due to its dryness property, it cures the oily glands of the body and reduces the excessive oil produced. Chopchini mainly performs blood purification and rakta prasadhana karma.

Haridra and Daruharidra Ghan:

Haridra and Daruharidra Ghan are used in the treatment of various health problems. It is rich in antioxidants and boosts the body’s strength immunity, which can help fight infections. It has been prescribed as Tridosha Shamak by Acharya Vagbhat. It also corrects the hormonal system in the body.

Guduchi Ghan:

According to Acharya Charak, Guduchi removes the blockage in the blood vessels, which helps in delivering all the other medicines to the micro sources, curing bacterial infections and increasing blood circulation in the upper layer of the skin. It is very useful in bringing natural glow to the inner skin.

Gandhak Rasayan:

Gandhak Rasayan mainly works for skin diseases and purification of blood. Apart from this, it increases strength in the body and provides strength, health and long life. This medicine is very effective in Pitta Pradhan diseases. Gandhak Rasayan balances the Tridoshas. Gandhak Rasayan works to eradicate both old and new skin diseases from the root. In the scriptures, the Acharyas have prescribed it for 18 types of leprosy.

Yashad Bhasma:

Yashad Bhasma provides protection against “Broad spectrum ultraviolet rays” (UV-A/UV-B). Due to its astringent property, the bhasma helps to control oil or sebum production in the skin. Hence it works well in acne and oily skin disorders. It also helps to improve the synthesis of new skin tissue and collagen, which is essential for maintaining youthful skin.

Triphala Guggulu:

It is not just a blood purifier but also nourishes all the Dhatus and cures the evils in the Upadhatu. It is the best medicine for curing all types of boils, pimples, ulcers, blisters, obstruction, recommended by Ayurvedic Vaidyas for many years.

Bhavana Dravya:

As per the principle of “Mardanam Gunvardhanam” of Ayurvedic sages, this formulation has been made more effective by adding the Bhavana of Mahamanjisthadi Kashaya which helps in maintaining healthy blood circulation. It helps in ensuring better functioning of liver and kidneys. It is useful in purifying blood in a natural way by helping in flushing out toxins from the body. Adding the Bhavana of Katuki Swaras which is beneficial in purgation of vitiated Pitta.

Dosage :

1-2 tablets twice in a day or As directed by physician

Additional information


30 Tab, 60 Tab, 500 Tab


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