N-Dopa Tablets (500 mg)


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General Introduction:

Ayurveda Samhitas contain detailed descriptions of Vata ailments. Nowadays, only Vata-shamak medicines that relieve pain are in the forefront, while neurological, neuromuscular, neuroendocrine disorders like Kampavat, Motor Neurone Disease, Muscular Dystrophy are caused by the Chal and Ruksh Guna of Vayu. Patients of such ailments are found in large numbers. To provide quick relief to such patients through Ayurvedic medicine, N-Dopa Tablet has been invented. The use of this formulation gives very quick results in all the Kshayaj Vata vyadhi.

Ingredients: (Each 500 mg film coated tablet contains)

  1. Kaucha beeja – 400 mg
  2. Bala moola ghan – 100 mg
  3. Bhavana dravya :
  4. Mashbaladi kashay – 4 times
  5. Supplements as required

Amayika Prayoga(Indications):

  • Kampavat(Parkinson’s disease)
  • Daarun daurbalya (Chronic fatigue syndrome)
  • Manshpeshigat vedana (Myalgia)
  • Manshpeshiya durvikash(Muscular destrophy)


  • Balya
  • Brihaniya
  • Dhatuposhak
  • Nadi balya
  • Rasayan

Medicinal Analysis:

Kauncha Bij:

Kauncha Bij naturally contains dopamine in abundance. Despite being heavy, sweet and bitter, it is hot in nature. Therefore, it does the work of strengthening the Vata nerves, increasing muscle strength and curing Dhatukshya very well. It is a famous medicine for Kampavat.

Bala Ghan:

It is the most famous medicine that strengthens the Vata nerves and muscles. All the leading Vaidyas use it in abundance in all the diseases related to nerves and muscles like paralysis, arthritis, muscular dystrophy and muscular Vata. It is helpful in increasing the energy by curing weakness, tuberculosis and karshya.

Nirgudi Ghan and Rasna Ghan:

Both of these are very popular in the Vaidya community as the best medicines for curing various types of Vata ailments like Rheumatism, all kinds of pain-related ailments. Nirgudi cures the Vata

disorders in the nerves, muscles and ligaments, while Rasna is more effective in chronic Vata diseases caused by arthritis and inflammation.

Shallaki Ghan and Erand Mool Ghan:

Both of these cure dhatukshaya and weakness caused by chronic Vata diseases very quickly. It helps in supplying nutrients, increasing the blood circulation in the bone, joints and muscles and curing the disease from the root by igniting Ghatavagni.

Shankh Bhasma:

It not only supplies calcium, but also helps in providing long-lasting strength to bones and joints, ignites gastric fire and ghatvagni and reduces pain. It is also beneficial in curing osteo arthritis and cartilage.

Chopchini Ghan:

According to modern science, the presence of bacterial infection, inflammation and swelling is also considered in rheumatism and other various types of arthritis. Chopchini, along with curing all types of bone-joint and muscle infections, is also helpful in reducing inflammation and swelling due to being a blood purifier and bringing the mobility of joints, muscles and bones to their original form.

Bhavana Dravya:

Assimilating the principle of “Mardanam Gunvardhanam” of the Ayurvedic sages, to make this formulation more effective, the spirit of Dashmool Kashaya has been given in it which is Vata- shamak, anti-inflammatory, aam-pachaka and establishes consciousness. Bhavana of Maharasanadi Kashaya has been given which is vedana sthapak, shool prashamana and Kapha-vaata-shamak.

Dosage :

1-2 tablets twice in a day or As directed by physician

Additional information


30 Tab, 60 Tab, 500 Tab


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