General Introduction:
Nowadays, many diseases related to vision and pain in the nerves of the senses are seen. Like Sciatica, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Cervical Spondylosis, Paralysis, Facial Paralysis etc., in diseases like neuralgia, pain in the nerves of the senses increases rapidly. The aim of this medicinal plant is to provide a flawless Ayurvedic solution to doctors and the general public by manufacturing herbal medicines that relieve pain quickly in such diseases.
Ingredients: (Each 500 mg film coated tablet contains)
- Vishtinduka churna – 100 mg
- Nirgundipatra ghan – 200 mg
- Erandmoola ghan – 200 mg Bhavana dravya :
- Nirgundipatra kashay – 4 times
- Akadi Kashay – 1 time
- Maharasnadi kashay – 1 time
- Dashmoola kashay – 1 time
- Supplements as required
Amayika Prayoga(Indications):
- Gyantantugat shirahshool (Neurological headache)
- Vatika shirahshool (Hemicranial headache)
- Grudhrasi (Sciatica)
- Katisnayu shool (Back muscles pain)
- Prushthavansh vikar janya vedana (Spinal cord disease related pain)
- Vaatnashak
- Vaat nadi balya
- Vedana sthapan
- Sangya sthapan
- Shool prashaman
Medicinal Analysis:
Vishtinduk Churna:
This is the most famous medicine for all the disorders, pain and weakness occurring in the neurons. Its use provides very rapid relief in all types of pain and suffering. Due to the presence of “Strychnine” in it, it makes the Neuro-Muscular transmission very strong, due to which the pain- related disorders occurring in the nerves and muscles are eliminated from the root. It is also an Agnivardhak and Kaphavat shamak.
Nirgudipatra Ghan:
This is the most commonly used medicine for sciatica. It is very useful in earache, rheumatism, Vaat vyadhi, arthritis, nerve pain and muscle pain. It is laghu, ruksha, ushna and Kaphavat shamak.
Erandmool Ghan:
Acharya Charak mentioned in Charaksamhita 25th chapter “Erandmoola vrishyavaatharanam” that means castor root is the best for calming down Vayu and increasing Shukra dhatu). Its use is very famous in nerve pain, paralysis, tremors, bodyache and vatik shirah shoola. It is a strong pain reliever.
Bhavana Dravya:
Assimilating the principle of “Mardanam Gunvardhanam” of Ayurvedic sages, to make this formulation more effective, Nirgudipatra Kashaya has been added in it which is Vatanadi Vedanahar Dravya, Akadi Kashaya has been added which is Shoolahara, Vata Shamak and Vaat Vyadhi Shamak, Maharashnaadi Kashaya has been added which is Balya, Shoolahara, Dashmool Kashaya has been added which is Shothahara, Vedana Sthapana.
Dosage :
1-2 tablets twice in a day or As directed by physician
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