SD Vasica Tablets (500 mg)


SKU: NHC044 Categories: ,


General Introduction

Vasicin and vasicinone are found in abundance in Vasa leaf. That is why it provides relief from diseases like cough, asthma, tuberculosis, rheumatism, ulcer, inflammation and neuralgia. It is very inconvenient to take herbal medicines in powder or kadha form due to their taste and quantity. To solve this problem, in this tablet, a mixture of ghansatva and powder of Vasapatra prepared by Ayurvedic method has been given 4 Bhavna of Vasapatra Kashaya. That is why this 500 mg tablet is as effective as 3 grams of Vasapatra powder.

Ingredients: (Each 500 mg uncoated tablet contains)

  1. Vasa patra – 250 mg
  2. Vasa patra ghansatva – 250 mg
  3. Vasa patra kashay bhavana – 4 times
  4. Supplements as required

Amayika Prayoga(Indications):

  • Swas rog(Bronchitis)
  • Jwara(Fever)
  • Kaas (Coughing)
  • Anurjatajanya kas(Allergic rhinitis)
  • Nasagat raktastrav (Nasal bleeding)


  • Sleshmahar
  • Swashar
  • Jwaraghna
  • Kasahar
  • Kanthya
  • Raktastambhak

Medicinal analysis:

Vasa is Vatakarak, reduces Kapha-Pitta, is good for voice, is beneficial in heart diseases, blood related diseases, thirst, breathing related diseases, cough, fever, vomiting, diabetes and T.B. It’s main action is on breathing diseases. It dilutes the cough and expels it and causes less but permanent expansion of respiratory tracts. Its use is more beneficial in chronic Kapha diseases than in acute Kapha diseases.

Classical reference:

 िासको िात कृ तस्िर ः कफवित्तास्त्रनाशनः ॥

नतक्तस्तुिरको हृद्धो लघुशीतस्तडवत्तहत ।

श्वासकासज्िरच्छद्वदगमेहकु ष्ठक्षयािहः ॥ (श्लोक न˙ः ८९-९०, भािप्रकाश ननघटु , र्ुडू च्यादी िर्)ग

Dosage :

1-2 tablets twice in a day or As directed by physician

Additional information


30 Tab, 60 Tab, 500 Tab


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