Swas Satva Tablets (500 mg)


SKU: NHC029 Category:


General Introduction

In Ayurveda, Asthma is considered to be the most prominent disease caused by Kapha and Vayu doshas. Nowadays, a large number of patients suffering from Asthma are found as a complication of allergy, smoking, lung diseases and other diseases. With the objective of solving all the causes together and providing immediate relief to the patient suffering from Asthma, this Kalpa made from a mixture of Bhasma and herbal medicine has been invented. It is effective immediately in all types of Asthma.

Ingredients: (Each 500 mg film coated tablet contains)

  1. Pushkarmool ghan – 130 mg
  2. Som ghan – 100 mg
  3. Bharangi ghan – 100 mg
  4. Vatsanabha – 5 mg
  5. Gomutra kshar churna – 90 mg
  6. Chusath prahar pippali churna – 50 mg
  7. Abhrak bhasma – 20 mg Bhavana dravya:
  8. Bharangyadi kashay – 2 times
  9. Swashar mahakashay – 2 times
  10. Supplements as required

Amayika Prayoga(Indications):

  • Jirna shwas (Chronic Bronchitis)
  • Jirna swasnalikagat shoth(Chronic pulmonary edema)
  • Balyavasthakalin swas(Respiratory distress)
  • Mahaswas(COPD)
  • Urahtod (Chest pain due to breathing issue)
  • Sannipatika swas(Bronchitis)
  • Swasgat jwar(Fever due to pneumonia)


  • Kaphavat shamak
  • Vatanulomak
  • Ushna
  • Balya
  • Swasnalika vishfarak
  • Srotoshodhak

Medicinal Analysis:

Pushkarmool Ghan:

Acharya Charak has given it a place in the Mahakashaya of both “Shwashara” and “Hikka Nigrahan”. It is very beneficial in Kapha, Kasa, Swas and Hikka. It is useful in reducing the speed of breathing and removing the constriction of the respiratory tract. Being anti-histamine, it gives immediate relief in allergies. It is also very beneficial in Parshwa shool and Rajyakshma.

Som Ghan:

This is an excellent medicine for respiratory diseases. Ephedrine is found in abundance in it. Which is an excellent Bronchodilator and Decongestant. That is, it is effective in removing the kapha accumulated in the lungs or nose and the dilatation of the bronchial tubes. It also cures low blood pressure caused by respiratory diseases.

Bharangi Ghan and Vatsanabh:

Both of these are antitussive, stimulant of the respiratory system, asthma-cough pacifier and anti- infection. They control respiratory diseases by acting on the movement of both the heart and the lungs.

Gomutra Kshar Churna:

It is very beneficial for Kaphaja asthma, cough, abdominal disease and blockage described in the Ayurvedic text named Rastantrasar. It is the best medicine for respiratory diseases caused by tobacco consumption and smoking. It is very effective in digesting Aamvisha and freeing the bronchial tubes from cough by purifying them.

Chausath Prahar Pippali Churna:

This is the most famous medicine for breathing problems. It is a Kapha-Vata calming, lung strength, infection preventive, air purifier and micro source absorbent. Due to these properties, it is very effective in curing breathing problems from the root.

Abhrak Bhasma:

It provides strength to the lungs and heart. The Vaidya community has been using this bhasma in abundance since ancient times in breathing problems caused by deficiency of Rakta dhatu and weakness of nerves, Uraakshat, Pneumonia, bacterial-viral and fungal infection and breathing problems caused by tuberculosis. It is a Tridoshashamak, Yogavahi and Balya.

Bhavana Dravya:

Assimilating the principle of “Mardanam Gunvardhanam” of the Ayurvedic sages, to make this formulation more effective, Bharangyadi Kashaya has been added to it, which is a famous medicine for cough removal, lung dilator and asthma, and the feeling of Shwasahar Mahakashaya has been added to it. This group of ten medicines mentioned by Acharya Charak has the ability to cure all types of respiratory diseases.

Dosage :

1-2 tablets twice in a day or As directed by physician

Additional information


30 Tab, 60 Tab, 500 Tab


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